Womxn Entrepreneur Highlight: Meet Sadie Faith Andersen

Becky Feigin
2 min readJul 12, 2021

In recent years, the online business space has grown exponentially. There is a whole world of successful young entrepreneurs building businesses with the help of digital marketing. A huge percentage of these online entrepreneurs are womxn who are trying to build a legacy for themselves beyond working in a corporate role for the rest of their lives.

It’s important to highlight these impressive womxn and shine a light on all the amazing work that they are doing. That is exactly what this series does. It introduces you to the up and coming leaders of the online entrepreneur industry, specifically coaches and service providers.

Today, I want to introduce you to Sadie Faith Andersen who is an Author Branding & Book Marketing Coach. She works with writers to explode their following on Instagram and then go on to sell out their books! She works 1:1 with her clients to create a unique, customized strategy to share their work with the world.

Sadie grew up watching her dad start his own business. The radical freedom in his life that he was able to achieve by helping others really inspired Sadie to become an entrepreneur herself.

Sadie’s favorite part about being an entrepreneur is the creative freedom of building a business.She loves teaching others how to show up as their true and authentic selves to share their work and impact people’s lives positively.

Her big goal in life is to teach authors how to make an income off of their writing, all by being themselves. She transforms their readership online so that they can have the same #authorpreneur freedom they’ve always dreamed of.

For those of you who are currently struggling with your online presence as an author, here’s what Sadie wants you to know:

1. “Marketing” is a scary word for many writers… But you’re already a storyteller. All you need to do is to tell the story of yourself, as authentically as possible!

2. Talk directly to one person with your social media content. Envision your Ideal Book Buyer- talk to them ONLY to attract ALL of the people who resonate with your work!

3. Don’t be afraid to share about your personal life. People like buying books from other people!

You can connect with Sadie and learn more about her on Instagram or go check out her website at sadiefaithandersen.com.



Becky Feigin

Becky Feigin is a six-figure business coach working with new coaches and online service providers to help them build a strong foundation for their business.